Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sam, Jack & Sadie

We got to hang out with Sam, Jack & Sadie last night while Joe was working & Ollie was at a Bridal Shower!! We discovered that Sadie, like her brothers, loves Ranch dressing (seriously? she was scooping it up with her fingers, it was too cute) and that Jack draws very adorable 'jelly cars.' We also got to see what Sam got to choose as he dressed himself for a trip to Wal-Mart - including a red bandana tied around his head and a 'driving' glove on one hand - he looked very Karate Kid'ish!

After they had their dinner, we walked down to the park behind Sam's school to play for a while! I had the camera in tow & snapped these photos as the sun was setting!

Hope you guys have a good week! Love ya!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Lizzie

Here are some photos from Lizzie's party last night! I had to leave to go to my Stat's class, but Nate took on the role of photographer & snapped most of these for you!! Enjoy!!

We hope you guys are having a wonderful fall!! We miss you both!!